Friday, April 22, 2011

112 of 365


  1. This is a great shot! How'd you get these hummingbirds...they're so quick?!

  2. Beautiful! I had to take my Hummer feeder down. Two very territorial rascals decided our backyard was their "turf" and ran off every other bird that came into the backyard airspace.

    I have another feeder for the finches, chickadees, sparrows, black phoebes, etc., and they couldn't get to their feeder. The hummers still come around once in a while to bathe in the fountain though.

  3. Pam: I’m still learning to use my new camera, so this one was fun. After a little trial and error I set the exposure at 1/4000th of a second to freeze the wings (with the aperture at f/4.0 and the ISO at 200 to let in enough light.) Then with the camera on a tripod (nice and close to the feeder) I sat on the ground on the other side with a remote control and waited for the birds to come. I took 128 photos to get this one good one. Thank goodness for digital cameras. That would have been a lot of wasted film.

    Itsmecissy: I guess I'm lucky. Most of our hummers make a beeline back and forth from their favorite cedar tree to the feeder, and leave the rest of the yard alone for the sparrows to enjoy.

  4. Being a good photographer takes loads of patience. Sounds like you have both patience and a great new camera. What fun!

    Itsme: Unfortunately, I can't put up a bird feeder. Bear eats the birds. He ate the bluebird of happiness the other day. I could be in a heap o' trouble.
