Saturday, February 5, 2011

36 of 365


  1. Looks like a nice guy, but...I like the young lady in the bikini.

  2. Marc: They both make a good cup of coffee, but he also makes the best espresso milkshakes on the West Coast, and best steamed scrambled eggs on the planet, and serves them up with the most interesting intellectual counter culture conversation you’ll find anyplace, and he does it all inside his little café filled with quirky décor, fascinating artwork and volumes of books that will send you straight to the 1960’s for the duration of your stay …and he’ll even pay for your parking. …You’re absolutely right. I like her better too ;)

  3. It's all a matter of perspective, gentlemen. I like him better. He has laughing eyes, makes scrambled eggs the way I like 'em, and has a knack for making people feel special.

    The Renaissance Cafe is my kind of place.

  4. Gotta love the lava lamp on the shelf above!!!
