Sunday, January 9, 2011

9 of 365


  1. In the photo above is a painting on canvas of about thirty inches by forty inches that hangs on a wall in our living room. The painting (actually the undercoat of a painting in progress) was never completed, and therefore never signed. Despite the rough incomplete nature of the picture, there’s something about it that I like. Perhaps it’s the potential of the painting more than the painting itself that I see. The artist was my mother, who died twenty years ago at age forty-seven.

  2. The painting is very surrealistic but at the same time rustic, reminding me of a van Gogh painting with its vivid earth tone colors. The brush strokes are very similar to his.

    I had an immediate emotional connection to this painting. It had to be painted by someone very special. Now I know who that someone special is. We mothers stick together no matter what dimension we're in...that's the connection. It's that female thing again.

    Your Mother was a beautiful woman...I can tell by her sensitivity in this painting and by the kind of son she raised.

    What a treasure you have, Randy! Thanks so much for sharing. Now I have to go find a box of tissue.

  3. Randy, Thanks so much for sharing this picture of a picture. Even though I did not get the chance to spend much time with your mother, I absolutely knew when you visited us in San Diego, that she was a very special person. She was just a few years older than me, but I remember thinking that I'd like to be just like her....she was so outwardly beautiful, and I was immediately and completely aware of her inner beauty as well. I had no idea she was also an artist! So I appreciate this little peek into another side of her, which leaves me admiring her all the more.
