Monday, January 10, 2011

10 of 365


  1. Hum-m-m-m! interesting....but again, I have no idea!!!

  2. Yesterday was one of those days when I went to work in the dark, and returned in the dark, with no opportunity to take a photo, so by the time I got home I was feeling a little desperate to keep the streak alive. I laid on the bed, looked up, and started snapping pictures. It took a bunch to get one with the spinning blades lined up symmetrically with the globe lights, but here it is ~ Ceiling Fan.

  3. I LOVE it!!! I can totally see it first I thought it was fingertips holding something...but when I tried to re-create it, I knew it could not be because at every angle my fingerNAILS were visible. This is really SO much fun. Thanks, Randy.

  4. Man, I'm way off on this one. It looks like a rectal exam gone bad...or worse yet, a new-fangled mammogram for people in a hurry.

  5. LOL :) What imaginations you two have. Maybe I should do a weekly "what is it?" photo.

  6. Keep going with your photos. You're really good at this.
