Tuesday, January 4, 2011

4 of 365


  1. Randy, this is a favorite so far. The subject material is beautiful, and I love the way the light has cast a shadow of the menorah on the background. AWESOME.

  2. Thank you Alana. I didn't want to pack the menorah away with all the other Christmas and holiday stuff, so I keep it in this bookcase behind glass with The Holocaust Chronicle, a publication that I consider to be the most important book in my home. As for the shadow, the normal lighting in my living room casts several shadows into the bookcase, so I set up a single light and adjusted it several times before I got the effect I wanted for the photograph.

  3. This is a very stirring photo for me. First of all, I believe the menorah and the crucifix are what unite us in faith.

    Second of all, my great Uncle Josh was one of the judges presiding over the Nuremberg Trials. I have 65 pages of the original transcript along with photos of Hitlers henchmen. It's very chilling reading.

    Thanks for the inspirational photo, Randy.

  4. You're welcome Pam, and thank you. My Great Uncle Harold Stowe was also a witness to the Holocaust. He was among the first U.S. soldiers to enter the concentration camps near the end of the war. He carried an unauthorized camera with him, and the photos he took, like the photos in the book above, and the transcripts you have, really make you question the humanity of man.
