Monday, December 12, 2011

346 of 365


  1. Pasted in the back of an old family photo album along with a love note written to my Grandfather (dated 1931) is the drawing that you see above. The artist was my Grandmother Vera. She was approximately fifteen years old when she created these two things. She was just sixteen when she died giving birth to my father one year later. Life is no more certain than a snowflake, and I am here because of her. Vera Belle Efaw 1916 – 1932.

  2. Geez, Randy, now I have to run downstairs to get a box of tissue. This is such a touching story.

    Those were the days when women had their babies at home, and if anything went wrong...well you know.

    I'm sure Vera is smiling down upon you, knowing that you create magical connections with the universe.

    I, for one, am grateful to Vera for giving us the gift of Randy. Merry Christmas, Vera.

  3. Many, many times, as a child, I have placed flowers on her grave. My mind races back to that time and how little I understood, then back to today and again how little I understand... how her short life would give life to you, and the fact that she died much too young, would someday result in my being born. Vera's life is affecting us to this very day. Wow. A love letter! "Loves what we'll remember, as we travel on...Gone, Love is never gone"
