Saturday, December 10, 2011

344 of 365


  1. Is this one of those, "I went to a fight and a hockey game broke out," kinda moments?

  2. ok pam not a hockey fan, fights break out in every hockey game.I don't think i have seen a game where a fight has not broken out.

    GO canucks

  3. Or is it one of those "I went to a fight and a bog comment was posted," kinda situation?

    Lightly, you know I love you...and you too, Randy. I like a good fight now and then.

  4. Oops...I mean "blog comment", not "bog comment". Although, I could tell you my bog story as it relates to cranberries and spooky nights.

  5. we now take a small commercial break from hockey and bring you the riveting bog story.

    over to you Pam

  6. LOL, lightly. I'm not so sure how riveting it is, but it's a true story...sorta. You'll have to check out Horse Pucky in the next day or so.
