Saturday, September 3, 2011

246 of 365


  1. This is a beautiful photo, Randy. I love pics like this. It makes me want to wade barefoot over the stones. Brings back lots of happy childhood, polliwog catching memories.

  2. ...I love the red, yellow and orange of the first signs of fall, my favorite season! I think it is my favorite because as a kid living in the mid-west, it meant harvest time; it meant cooler days; it meant raking the fallen leaves into a ditch, burning them and roasting marshmellows; and it meant my birthday was just around the corner. These days I STILL enjoy fall for all of the above reasons. Well, maybe not the last one. While I am truly thankful for every year that I have, I do try to ignore my birthdays these days! The advanced numbers are getting harder and harder to face!! AAA

  3. Happy Almost Birthday, Anonymous. I love Fall too. I can almost smell the homemade apple pie baking as I compose this post.
