Tuesday, April 5, 2011

95 of 365


  1. "Spot" looks like s/he's found some tender blades of spring grass. This equine is good weight coming out of winter. Nice paint.

  2. It's nice to hear from a knowledgeable equine enthusiast that the neighbors are taking good care of their horses :)
    …I bet "Spot" probably makes some pretty good pucky then, huh?

  3. Oh yeah! REALLY SUPER PUCKY! Great for the garden and blabbermouth politicians.

  4. I think I can correctly identify it as either or a horse or a cloud, very like a whale!

    No applause, please! I have always been gifted in this area. It's nothing, really.

    (My background in literature serves me well in animal-identification.)

    qwurky / david

  5. ...but David, is the horse/cloud/whale thing properly cropped? And does the electric fence band add depth, or does it detract from the photo??? I really need your photography advice more than your literary expertise on this one.
