Saturday, January 1, 2011

1 of 365


  1. "Now, let's see, if I hook this claw just right I'll be able to break in and leave no paw prints."

  2. We have a curious bunch of felines. Thus far my experience has been that 'curiosity does not kill that cat.' It only injures them to the tune of a several hundred dollar trip to the vet. As I type, one of the inquisitive ones is on the roof. This has become a daily ritual. Agile as a cat in his ascent, but woefully lacking in skills of descent, yes, I have to get a ladder to retrieve him each trip. My theory is, 'Leave the dumb ass up there, He'll figure it out.' Alas, my spouse disagrees and once again I am on my way to his rescue.

  3. That's funny you mention ladders Marc, because the cat in the photo is very good at climbing up and down them. He learned this during our remodel, and now he visit's the neighbor’s attic via a ladder in their garage regularly, and they’re amazed at his agility. You’re right they CAN learn if you ignore them long enough.

  4. Cats will not be ignored. I have three.

  5. Gotta love Simon's Cat. Those are great videos!
    Thanks itsmecissy :)
