Thursday, January 13, 2011

13 of 365


  1. Roller coasters make my stomach curdle. On the other hand, it's a metaphor for life with all its curves, ups and downs, and...stomach curdling events. Great picture.

  2. Pamela, you have written exactly what I was thinking...

    When I first looked at the picture I immediately thought of life's "ups and downs", and you nailed it, it IS the perfect metaphor.

    And, just so you don't feel alone in your roller coasterness (pretty good word, huh?), I'll share one of my most embarrassing moments. I was a teen at the local county fair, where I exited the very mini-sized roller coaster and immediately vomited in front of EVERYone....stomach curdling is an understatement!

  3. Originally built in 1935, this roller coaster is being rebuilt one section at a time so it can re-open each September for the Puyallup Fair. The project is due to be completed in 2012. Because today’s lumber is inferior to the lumber available in 1935 the new wood coaster will have shorter unsupported spans and double the bracing of the original.

  4. Yikes! Doesn't sound too safe to me. I'd rather jump a five foot fence on an unruly horse.
